ChemDraw JS (CDJS) is used as a web-based structure editor in Spotfire Web Client. Please find below the steps for the installation:
1. Install Spotfire_ChemDrawJS_Setup.exe in the Spotfire server.
Note: The installer features in the Additional Software folder of the Lead Discovery Premium Installation archive available for download here.
2. Restart Spotfire Server.
3. (Optional) Check if it is installed correctly by accessing the below URL from the Web browser in Spotfire server: https://<spotfireserver>/cdjs/docs/User%20Guide/ChemDraw%20JS.htm *
4. Login to Spotfire analyst as administrator
5. Tools > Administrator manager > Preferences > select the relevant group > LeadDiscovery > StructureEditorPreferences
6. Add to the “ChemDraw JS URL” preference: http(s)://<spotfireserver>/cdjs/chemdrawweb
Where <spotfireserver> is the hostname of your Spotfire server.
* replace <spotfireserver> with your server's hostname.
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