For the first release of ChemDraw 23.0, the command line "Activate.exe 23.0 IsInstaller" (or any variation of it) fails to activate the product.
Instead, please use 22.0 as the version number (i.e "Activate.exe 22.0 IsInstaller"). Currently Name Subscription activation codes are version less, so the activation will work with the 23.0 version of the software.
Once you launch the software, you may see the screen below. This is only to select the activation method used (Activation Code), but it does not prompt you to enter the activation code afterwards:
To disable this screen, add the following registry entry to your script:
reg add HKEY_CURRENT_USER\SOFTWARE\RevvitySignalsSoftware\Chemistry\ /v LicensingService.LicenseSystem /t REG_SZ /d "flexera"
or just add this reg key entry directly:
Please note that we offer another product, Signals ChemDraw, which uses authentication (username and password) instead of activation. Signals ChemDraw can be tied into your corporate identity provider to make logging in fast and easy. It also provides much greater license management options. You can see how many licenses you have and how many are in use, as well as assign or unassign licenses at the click of a checkbox or via bulk methods. You can also bulk import users.
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