SImA stores data such as User account information, Job Status page content and the Search API index in several Postgres databases. Database backups are captured automatically once per day, and they are stored within the /SImA/db_backup
directory (under sub-directories whose names are timestamps, "%d-%m-%Y_%H%M%S"). The following Postgres databases are be backed up: keycloak, sima_webapp, batch_analysis, sima_api. The 30 most recent backups are kept therein, old backups are deleted automatically.
The databases can also be backed-up manually by executing the
, which is found in the SImA installation directory. The backup will also be outputted to the /SImA/db_backup
sima@simahost:~/SImA-1.3.29$ ./
*** Backing up databases from Docker service SImA_postgres.1.3fgp5k3o9pesdqwj69d8jogec to directory /SImA/db_backup/09-04-2024_091135.
*** Backing up DB keycloak.
*** Backing up DB batch_analysis.
*** Backing up DB sima_api.
*** Backing up DB sima_webapp.
*** DB's backed up.
*** Backing up Docker configs and secrets
*** Configs and secrets backed up.
Deleting oldest backups...
Current postgres backup count 31 greater than the limit 30, deleting oldest backups...
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