Product: ChemDraw
PubChem GHS Add-in not available in my ChemDraw Professional application. How can I enable this addin?
PubChem GHS Add-in is available with our ChemOffice Professional suite for Windows and ChemDraw Professional for Mac (if you have ChemOffice Professional site subscription).
Assuming you have a license for ChemDraw Professional, in order to get this addin, you need to activate the product using ChemOffice Professional activation code.
You can find the ChemDraw/ChemOffice comparison chart that compares the features available in ChemDraw from the following link:
Once on the website, find the "Trials" link. Then select the "ChemOffice Desktop Suite" section.
On the next page, find the link within the statement, "Please open the "ChemOffice+ Cloud Suite of Products Chart" to view features specific to ChemOffice, ChemDraw Professional and ChemDraw Prime. "
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