Product: ChemDraw
I tried to create new Stationery using ChemDraw for Mac, but I couldn't. How to overcome this problem?
Mac OSX 10.7.x and above security settings won't allow you to save the settings in the Stationery even though you are able to create a new Stationery file in the Stationery folder. In order to overcome this issue, you need to launch the ChemBioDraw application with Root Privileges on a Mac.
So open the ChemBioDraw application in the following way.
1. Open "Terminal" from the /Applications/Utilities folder
2. Type the following and click the Enter button (you need to use the correct application/version information based on the product installed on your Mac OSX
sudo open "/Applications/ChemDraw" (where vxx - version number)
3. The above comment will launch ChemDraw vxx.x with Root Privilege
4. Create the required Stationery and save the file in the Stationery folder
5. Close ChemDraw application and retest the problem after reopening ChemDraw application.
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