Date Posted:
Product: ChemFinder
Product: ChemFinder
When I try to add the ChemFinder for Excel Add-In that is part of the 2001 product line, I get an error that the CFXLLIB.DLL could not be found.
Your registry may need to be edited. Please note that editing the registry can caue problems with your system if you are not careful. Proceed at your own risk. Launch Regedit and open HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\App Paths\Excel.exe
Add "D:\Program Files\ChemOffice2001\Common\DLLs" to the key like:
Path: D:\APP\OFFPRO97\Office;D:\Program Files\ChemOffice2001\Common\DLLs where D:\APP\OFFPRO97\Office is the existing path to excel.exe and D:\Program Files\ChemOffice2001\Common\DLLs is the path to your DLLs folder.
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