Product: ChemOffice Desktop
When I print the structures, the line thickness for chemical bonds has increased considerably. How do I get it back to drawing finer lines for the chemical bonds? I always use the ACS Document 1996 option in document settings.
The ACS Document 1996, is a type of Style Sheet which is configured to create documents set with the bond lengths, bond width, spacing, and fonts used in the 2-column format of ACS journals. This might be the reason for the format change as it only goes with the below detailed preset settings. Here is the list of preset settings in ACS Document 1996: Fixed Length: 14.4 pt Bold Width: 2 pt Line Width: 0.6 pt Margin Width: 1.6 pt Hash Spacing: 2.5 pt Chain Angle (degrees): 120 Bond Spacing (% of length): 18 Atom Label Font : Atom Label Size: 10 pt Caption Font : Caption Size: 10 pt Drawing Area (Width x Height): 540 pt x 720 pt Page Size: US Letter Reduction (%): 100
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