Date Posted:
Product: Columbus
Product: Columbus
Why is the “Screen Name” list empty when attempting to submit a “Columbus Transfer” from within Harmony?
Empty “Screen Name” list when attempting to submit a “Columbus Transfer” from within Harmony.
Columbus Transfer jobs are configured to use a specific Columbus user account.
If the “Screen Name” list is empty within Harmony, it’s likely that the Columbus user account that is being used to submit the transfer has no pre-existing Screens within Columbus.
Harmony can only transfer data into a pre-existing Screen within Columbus.
Manually create a new screen (i.e. top-level folder) from within the Columbus user interface.
- Log in to the Columbus interface using user account that is used for the Harmony “Columbus Transfer” jobs
- Select the Browse view
- Click on the “New Screen” icon to create a new screen folder
The newly created screen should now be visible in the “Screen Name” list within Harmony.
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