Product: Signals Notebook
Unable to search for part of experiment name in Signals Notebook
For supported operators and query examples, please refer to our User Guide -> Searching
in Signals Notebook.
Our search index (using elastic) separates text into words for
indexing. It uses a variety of characters to identify one word from the
next, obviously a space but also "/" and "-". However "_" is not
recognized as such. This usage is common among applications using
elastic search in the core.
Also, we don't allow leading
wildcards like (*), e.g. *AC16. Again, this is something that elastic
search just doesn't support.
Therefore if you have a string such as "ABCD_EFG-12345" this will be
treated as two words for searching. You can search for "12345", you can
search for "ABCD_EFG", you can search for "ABCD*", you can search for
""ABCD_EFG-12345"". However you will not retrieve that record via a
search for "EFG" or "EFG*". And a search like "*EFG" is not supported.
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