Product: TIBCO Spotfire®
How to configure "InformationLinkTimeoutMinutes" property in TIBCO Spotfire Analyst
Starting with TS_10.3.3 HF-015, there is now a property called "InformationLinkTimeoutMinutes" that can be set on individual information links.
Here is the hotfix information for your reference:
TS-62997 - There is now a property called "InformationLinkTimeoutMinutes" that can be set on individual information links.
You can set this custom property under "Properties" section of an individual information link. See below screenshot for your reference:
If we set a property called "InformationLinkTimeoutMinutes"=2 for individual information links then if information link execution exceeds the specified number of minutes an import exception is thrown and execution is aborted with the following error message.
Error message: The request from information link 'Information link’ could not be completed within the InformationLinkTimeoutMinutes time: 2 minutes
ImportException at Spotire.Dxp.Data:
Passed time limit. (HRESULT: 80131500)
Stack Trace:
at Spotire Dxp Data Infomation Model interalinfomation ModelManager DataStream Check Timeout)
at Spotire Dxp Data Infomation Model interalinfomation ModelManager DataSteam Get NextBlock()
at Spotre.Dxp Data InfomationMode!rtemallormationModelManager DataSream,Read(Byte[] buf, Int32 offset, Ii32 court)
at Spotire Dip interia Utes SeekableSream ReadByte[]buffer. Int32 offset, Int32 court)
at Spotire Dxp Framework. Application Model Progressincrement Stream Read(@ytel] buffer. int.32. offset, Int 32 court)
at Spotire Dxp intemal Uitte. Shared Memory Stream Copy Unprotected( Stream input Steam, it 32 buferSize)
at Spotire Dxp Data.Cox.GColumn Manager LoadSBDF (Sting i, Stream shm, Acton stteamWiter, Acton abortAction, PatialTableCallback pat TableCallback, Boolean useFaterWipinplemertation)
at Spotire Dxp Data Cox CData Transfer LoadSBDF CsxSession session, Seam stream)
at Spotire Dxp Data Impot SbcfDataRow Reader TryCreateCiRepresentation(CxxSession session nt 64 exclsiveStarfRowindex, Unt64 maxRows That WilBeRead, CxiTable8 table)
at Spotire Dip Data Cox CoxData Transfer Create Table(DstaRow Reader daiaRow Reader, CxxSession session, PatialDataLoadRepot repo, Advancer row Advance’. Boolean needsReset nt 64 exclusiveStatRow index, Ulnt64 maxRlows That Wil
at Spotire Dip Data Cox CxData Transfer Create Table(DataRo Reader dataRowReader, Cx.Session session, PatialDataLoadRepot repot, Boolean needsReset, Uint64 maxRowsTeConsume)
at Spotre. Dp Data Got GocCreate View Result Create(DataRowReader reader, IDataPropetyConkaner defautPropeties, Sting document Tile, CoSession session, Boolean addNewPropetes, PatalDataLoadRepot loadRepot, Unt64 maxRowsT:
at Spotire Dxp Data ColumnFactory CreateColumnsPivate(DataRowReader reader. Sting document Tile, IDataProperyContainer properties, GlobalMethodReaistyclobalMethodRegisty,CxxSession session, Boolean addNew Properties, PataiDatal
a Spotfre Dxp Data ColumnFactory CreateColumns(DataRowReader reader. Sting document Tile, IDataPropettyContaner properties, GloballethodRegisry cloballethodRegistry, CosSession session, Boolean addNewPropertes, PataDataLoadRe
at Spotire Dip Data Producers SourceColumnProducer.<>c_DisplyClass73_0.<CreateView>b__00
at Spotre.Dxp Framework ApphcationModel Progress. Execute Subtask Sting ite, ProgessOperaion operation
at Spotire Dxp Data Producers SourceColumnProducer.Cfeate View CxSession session. “SohalvchodRepey dbalNthodRegy. DataourceComectenconecton DataRowReaderitlReader DeaPropetyCotane efautCalr Propet
at Spotire Dxp Data Producers SourceColumnProduceretColumnsAndPropetes(DataSourceConnection connection)
at Spotire Dxp Data Persistence-Detaltem. PeonmUpdate(SourceCoiumnProducer producer. DataSourceConnection connection)
at Spotire Dip Data Persistence Detatem. Update(SourceColumnProducer producer, DataSourceConnection connection)
at Spotire Dip Data Persistence. DataPool <LoadData>d_15.MoveNed)
at Spotire Dxp Data Producers SourceColumnProducer.OnCorfigure()
at Spotire Dxp Framework DocumentModel Node Configure Sub Tree()
at Spotire Dxp Framework DocumentModel Node.<>c <ConfigureSub Tiee>b__47_O(Node node)
at Spotire Dxp Framework DocumentModel UndoableListAviLea1ForEachChid/Action'l action, Boolean includeFrozen)
at Spotire Dxp Framework DocumentModel Node Configure Sub Tree()
at Spotire Dxp Framework DocumentModel Node.<>c <ConfigureSub Tree>b _47_O(Node node)
at Spotire Dxp Framework DocumentModel UndoableLisT ForEachChid(Action’T action, Boolean incldeFrozen)
at Spotire Dxp Framework DocumentModel Node Configure SubTree()
at Spotire Dxp Framework DocumentModel Node.<oc <ConfigureSub Tree>b__47_O(Node node)
at Spotre.Dxp Framework Documertodel State Node State.<>c__DisplayClass92_0.<ForEachManagedChid>b__O(IDocumertNodeChid documertNodeChid)
at Spotire Dxp Framework DocumentModel State Node State ForEachChid(DocumentNNodeChid] chidren, Action action)
Release Notes: TIBCO Spotfire Server 10.10.0
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