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Product: TIBCO Spotfire®
Product: TIBCO Spotfire®
Starting with Spotfire 10.10, the SAP/Sybase jConnect JDBC driver needs to be placed in a different directory than the generally recommended one (/tomcat/custom-ext)
Starting with Spotfire 10.10, with the switch there to using a new Java version (Java 11), there will be a conflict with Oracle JDBC drivers if you try to connect to Oracle with Information Services and also have the SAP/Sybase jConnect JDBC driver in directory <installation directory>/tomcat/custom-ext>.
This issue appears either when trying to expand a table under already existing Oracle data sources or when trying to add a new Oracle data source in Information Designer.
You'll see an error like the following (with "Ora" being the name of the data source):
Error message: Ora could not be saved. InformationModelException at Spotfire.Dxp.Forms: Could not initialize class oracle.jdbc.OracleDriver (HRESULT: 80131500) Stack Trace: at Spotfire.Dxp.Forms.Data.InformationDesigner.NodeDesignerPanelControlBase.<>c__DisplayClass41_0.<SaveAs>b__0() at Spotfire.Dxp.Forms.Data.InformationDesigner.DesignerForm.SaveSafely(Executor saveExecutor, CachedModelElement elementToSave, Control parentControl) InformationModelServiceException at Spotfire.Dxp.Services: Could not initialize class oracle.jdbc.OracleDriver (HRESULT: 80131509) Stack Trace: at Spotfire.Dxp.Services.WebServiceBase`1.InvokeService[T](ServiceMethod`1 serviceMethod, ExceptionFactoryMethod exceptionFactoryMethod, String customMethodNameForLogging) at Spotfire.Dxp.Services.Data.InformationModel.ElementManagerService.InvokeService[T](ServiceMethod`1 serviceMethod) at Spotfire.Dxp.Data.InformationModel.InternalInformationModelManager.AddElement(InformationModelElement element, Boolean ignoreWarnings) SoapHeaderException at System.Web.Services: Could not initialize class oracle.jdbc.OracleDriver (HRESULT: 80131501) Stack Trace: at System.Web.Services.Protocols.SoapHttpClientProtocol.ReadResponse(SoapClientMessage message, WebResponse response, Stream responseStream, Boolean asyncCall) at System.Web.Services.Protocols.SoapHttpClientProtocol.Invoke(String methodName, Object[] parameters) at Spotfire.Dxp.WebServices.ElementManagerService.addElement(IMElement element, Boolean ignoreWarnings) at Spotfire.Dxp.Services.WebServiceBase`1.InvokeService[T](ServiceMethod`1 serviceMethod, ExceptionFactoryMethod exceptionFactoryMethod, String customMethodNameForLogging)
The conflict happens because of a known issue in the jConnect driver, see SAP Note 2827462.
Place the SAP/Sybase jConnect JDBC driver in a different directory than the generally recommended <installation directory>/tomcat/custom-ext>, for example you can place it in <installation directory>/tomcat/lib>. Keywords: Spotfire 10.10, Oracle, JDBC; jConnect, SAP, Sybase, "Could not initialize class oracle.jdbc.OracleDriver (HRESULT: 80131500)"
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