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Product: TIBCO Spotfire®
Product: TIBCO Spotfire®
How to turn off out-of-process operations in a Spotfire client.
Certain operations in Spotfire start a new subprocess. Typically this is named Spotfire.tmpXXXX.exe, where XXXX is a random string. Some users may have restricted environments where they are not allowed to run processes other than the main Spotfire.dxp.exe.
C:\Program Files (x86)\TIBCO\Spotfire\X.X.X\Modules\Spotfire DXP Forms_XX.XX.XXXX.XXXX\Spotfire.Dxp.Main.dll.config
where the Xs represent the version of Spotfire being accessed. In the <applicationSettings> section, add the following code block:
<setting name="DataImport_LoadOutOfProcess" serializeAs="String">
This may affect the stability of the client as crashes that would only bring down a sub-process will likely crash the whole client after this change. The same tag can be added to web.config to disable the same setting in the Web Player.
Disabling outofprocess loading on the web player is described here:
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