Product: TIBCO Spotfire®
Failed to create Keytab file with error "Failed to set property 'userPrincipalName'"
Failed to create keytab file with below error returned:
ktpass /princ HTTP/ /ptype krb5_nt_principal /crypto aes128-sha1 /mapuser spotsvc /out spotfire.keytab -kvno 0 /pass spotsvcpassword
Targeting domain controller:
Failed to set property 'userPrincipalName' to 'HTTP/' on Dn 'CN= spotsvc,CN=Users,DC=research,DC=example,DC=com': 0x13.
WARNING: Failed to set UPN HTTP/ on CN=spotsvc,CN=Users,DC=research,DC=example,DC=com.
kinits to 'HTTP/' will fail.
Successfully mapped HTTP/ to spotsvc.
Password successfully set!
- Check whether the UAC is enabled on the server which you run the command on, if yes, please have a try to take that same command and run it on the same server after disabling UAC and rebooting server, then see if the warning is gone.
- In addition, make sure that the account which is used to run the command is from a member of Domain Admins, Schema Admins, Enterprise Admins, and the built-in Administrators group.
- If the above doesn't work, check if there are duplicate accounts with the same UserPrincipalName. You can try running the ktpass command with the shortname e.g
ktpass /princ HTTP/spotfireserver@RESEARCH.EXAMPLE.COM /ptype krb5_nt_principal /crypto aes128-sha1 /mapuser spotsvc /out spotfire.keytab -kvno 0 /pass spotsvcpassword
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