Product: TIBCO Spotfire®
Information link error using Greenplum data source: “Failed to execute query: [Pivotal][Greenplum JDBC Driver][Greenplum]date/time field value out of range:”
When creating an information link, based on a greenplum data source, in Information Designer and trying to open the information link, error “Failed to execute query: [Pivotal][Greenplum JDBC Driver][Greenplum]date/time field value out of range:” appears and the information link cannot be opened.
One possible cause behind this error message can be that the information link is querying a database view, that itself queries other views containing date/time columns of different formats.
The error will appear even if the date/time columns are not fetched in the query, as long as the queried view itself rely on other views with the date/time columns of different formats.
Try any of the 2 options below to try to resolve the issue:
1. Make sure the date/time columns in the different views are in the same format.
2. Make sure to keep only date/time columns of the same format in the views.
Keywords: greenplum, information designer, information link, Failed to execute query: [Pivotal][Greenplum JDBC Driver][Greenplum]date/time field value out of range
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