Product: TIBCO Spotfire®
Error, "Unable to open analysis" received in TIBCO Spotfire Web Player when opening a report that uses data from a Spotfire Data Connector.
When using TIBCO Spotfire Web Player to open a report that has data tables based on data connectors, the following error is thrown (where '/myFolder/MyReport' is the Spotfire Library path to your analysis file).
- Unable to open analysis '/myFolder/MyReport'.
In the Spotfire.Dxp.Web.Log error:
ERROR 2016-03-08 07:19:52,539 [nxow0vwe0dkpkuscm0sjsxfr, 2960, 50, NBKVSMJ] Spotfire.Dxp.Web.Forms.Error - ClientError: Unable to open analysis '/myFolder/MyReport'.
System.InvalidOperationException: Adapter authentication mode configuration is missing in web.config.
This will normally be seen with the following data connectors.
- ClouderaHive- DB2
- Greenplum
- Hana
- Hortonworks
- Impala
- OData
- PivotalHd
- Redshift
- Salesforce
- SparkSql
- TeradataAster
- Vertica
For each data connector to work with TIBCO Spotfire Web Player, the corresponding data adapter settings must be present in that Web Player instance's web.config file. The adapter settings for the following data connectors are not present in the web.config file by default, and must be added manually.
- ClouderaHive- DB2
- Greenplum
- Hana
- Hortonworks
- Impala
- OData
- PivotalHd
- Redshift
- Salesforce
- SparkSql
- TeradataAster
- Vertica In the web.config file, you will see the following adapter settings by default:
... <Spotfire.Dxp.Data.Access.Adapters.Settings> <!-- Different authentication modes can be set up for the various data sources. Valid modes are: WebConfig To connect with credentials stored in Spotfire.Dxp.Web.Properties.Settings/DataAdapterCredentials below. Kerberos To connect using Kerberos authentication. Prompt To prompt the user for credentials. ServiceAccount To connect as the account used to run the application pool in the IIS. --> <setting name="WebAuthenticationMode" serializeAs="Xml"> <value> <adapters> <adapter name="Spotfire.SqlServerAdapter" mode="Prompt" /> <adapter name="Spotfire.TeradataAdapter" mode="Prompt" /> <adapter name="Spotfire.OracleAdapter" mode="Prompt" /> <adapter name="Spotfire.SsasAdapter" mode="ServiceAccount" /> <adapter name="Spotfire.SapBwAdapter" mode="Prompt" /> <adapter name="Spotfire.EssbaseAdapter" mode="Prompt" /> <adapter name="Spotfire.CompositeAdapter" mode="Prompt" /> <adapter name="Spotfire.MySqlAdapter" mode="Prompt" /> <adapter name="Spotfire.NetezzaAdapter" mode="Prompt" /> <adapter name="Spotfire.PostgreSqlAdapter" mode="Prompt" /> </adapters> </value> </setting> ...
In the adapters node, you need to add the adapter you require access to in the Web Player. The format follows:
<adapter name="Spotfire.MyAdapter" mode="Prompt"/>
For example, if you are adding an OData adapter, you will need to add the following within the <adapters> node:
<adapter name="Spotfire.ODataAdapter" mode="Prompt"/>And the resulting web.config will resemble the following.
... <Spotfire.Dxp.Data.Access.Adapters.Settings> <!-- Different authentication modes can be set up for the various data sources. Valid modes are: WebConfig To connect with credentials stored in Spotfire.Dxp.Web.Properties.Settings/DataAdapterCredentials below. Kerberos To connect using Kerberos authentication. Prompt To prompt the user for credentials. ServiceAccount To connect as the account used to run the application pool in the IIS. --> <setting name="WebAuthenticationMode" serializeAs="Xml"> <value> <adapters> <adapter name="Spotfire.SqlServerAdapter" mode="Prompt" /> <adapter name="Spotfire.TeradataAdapter" mode="Prompt" /> <adapter name="Spotfire.OracleAdapter" mode="Prompt" /> <adapter name="Spotfire.SsasAdapter" mode="ServiceAccount" /> <adapter name="Spotfire.SapBwAdapter" mode="Prompt" /> <adapter name="Spotfire.EssbaseAdapter" mode="Prompt" /> <adapter name="Spotfire.CompositeAdapter" mode="Prompt" /> <adapter name="Spotfire.MySqlAdapter" mode="Prompt" /> <adapter name="Spotfire.NetezzaAdapter" mode="Prompt" /> <adapter name="Spotfire.PostgreSqlAdapter" mode="Prompt" /> <adapter name="Spotfire.ODataAdapter" mode="Prompt"/> </adapters> </value> </setting> ...
1). Edit the web.config in a plain text editor (like Notepad).
2). Update the adapter settings as described above and per the manual.
3). Save the web.config file.
4). Restart IIS or the TIBCO Spotfire Web Player application pool.
Note: In Spotfire versions 7.5 and higher, all data connectors are present by default in the configuration file.
Installation and Configuration Manual.
- URL:
- Chapter: 6.4 Data from External Sources
- Excerpt: TIBCO Spotfire can access data directly from several external data sources using the Spotfire Data Connectors. To be able to use analyses with data from these sources in Spotfire Web Player, you must specify the authentication method in the web.config file for how users will connect to the external data sources.
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