Product: TIBCO Spotfire®
Changes in Spotfire version 10.x: What are the changes made to the folder structure in Spotfire 10.3?
There have been some changes in the folder structure in Spotfire server 10.3. Two new folders as below have been added.
- "spotfire-bin" added under [Spotfire Server installation directory\tss\10.3.0\tomcat\spotfire-bin]
- "spotfire-lib" added under [Spotfire Server installation directory\tss\10.3.0\tomcat\spotfire-lib]
"Spotfire Server installation directory\tss\10.3.0\tomcat\spotfire-bin" contains the following files.
- config.bat
- kinit.bat
- klist.bat
- ktab.bat
- SetComputerPassword.vbs
- settoolenv.bat
- SetupWizard.vbs
- simple-config.txt
- simple-config-ldap.txt
- uiconfig.bat
"Spotfire Server installation directory\tss\10.3.0\tomcat\spotfire-lib" contains the following files.
- bcprov-jdk15on.jar
- commons-logging-1.0.4.jar
- cscommon.jar
- cscommon17.jar
- csjdbc.jar
- csjdbc7.jar
- DDJDBC64Auth05.dll
- DDJDBCAuth05.dll
- DDJDBCx64Auth05.dll
- httpclient-4.5.3.jar
- httpcore-4.3.1.jar
- postgresql-42.2.5.jar
- SfWinCon.dll
- spotfire-server-native.jar
- spotfire-tomcat-integration.jar
- sqljdbc_auth.dll
- sqljdbc4.jar
- TIdb2.jar
- TImysql.jar
Note: Any third party JDBC driver that are used with Spotfire Information Services can be placed in either "Spotfire Server installation directory\tss\10.3.0\tomcat\custom-ext" folder or "Spotfire Server installation directory\tss\10.3.0\tomcat\spotfire-lib"
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