Keywords: msi, exe, Analyst, desktop, silent installation, deployment
From Spotfire 7.12 onwards, there are two separate installers. One is a"single user installer"and the other is"shared_computer"(machine) installer.
The"single user installer"will install the Spotfire Analyst for the particular user who installed it, at"C:\Users\USER_NAME\AppData\Local\TIBCO"
The"machine installer"installs the Spotfire Analyst for all the users at"C:\Program Files (x86)\TIBCO".
- Run the .exe and leave it on the first screen.
This will unpack the .msi file in a subfolder of the following folder C:\Users\USER_NAME\AppData\Local\Package Cache\ sorting the folders by date will show you the latest created folder that contains the .msi file of interest.
The folder will be named similar to:{A2824E9D-8B57-490D-B88D-A2B62694B9F7}v12.0.2 but the exact name will differ between versions
- Single user installer is (setup-single-user-12.0.2.exe)
- For shared computer installer"setup-shared-computer-12.0.2.exe"you will find the files at "C:\ProgramData\Package Cache\ and a folder name similar to {A2824E9D-8B57-490D-B88D-A2B62694B9F7}v12.0.2
- One of the folders will contain the"ts-setup.msi"and the other will have "ts-setup.exe".
- Copy the".msi"file to some location before you quit and exit the running installer.
The above image shows the directory for the .msi and the .exe files.
Microsoft System Center Configuration Manager (SCCM) requires "*.msi" file for Spotfire Analyst/Desktop to be installed/deployed. Similarly, there are various other System Management Software's which require "*.msi" file for Spotfire Analyst/Desktop installation.
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