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Product: TIBCO Spotfire®
Product: TIBCO Spotfire®
Spotfire Server is not accessible through https protocol and error "No SSLContext could be found for the host name" is found in logs
Spotfire Server with HTTPS enabled might occasionally not be accessible through HTTPS. In the catalina log file, the SEVERE line with the following message could be found:
21-Jan-2019 08:37:40.781 SEVERE [https-jsse-nio-443-exec-25]$SocketProcessor.doRun java.lang.IllegalStateException: No SSLContext could be found for the host name ["hostname"]The problem is usually fixed after a restart of Spotfire Server (Tomcat restart).
SSL errors seen generally indicate that the host name could not be mapped properly and indicates the server being inaccessible. The cause of that error is usually the issues with the network or DNS. Once the server is restarted the host name gets mapped and the server is accessible again. This is the indication that the problem is an environment issue specific to the network or machines, and not the Spotfire application. Network issues during the problem encounter should be investigated.
When this problem is encountered the server can be reached using http protocol. The explanation why http works while https fails is that no SSL certificate is involved for http access. When there are problems with host name not properly mapped or DNS redirection, the values don't match with what is expected in the certificate and therefore server could not be reached using https protocol.
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