Product: TIBCO Spotfire®
How to switch communication method from Multicast IP to JMS Messaging for existing cluster of TIBCO Spotfire Statistics Services (TSSS) without reinstallation
There may be scenarios where a working TIBCO Spotfire Statistics Services (TSSS) cluster using Multicast IP as the communication method stops functioning suddenly after environment specific changes done, which splits those machines to operate under multiple subnets. One of the common reasons is a change in the IP address for the Manager node machine and/or any worker node machine. The Multicast IP method only works if all the machines in the cluster are in same subnet.
In such a case, browsing the "nodes" url (htttp://<serverhostname>:<port>/<servicename>/api/v8/nodes) for the cluster will not show the nodes from the different subnet, which will impact the overall job execution. In that example "nodes" URL, replace the following with the details from your installation:
- <serverhostname>: Hostname or IP address of Manager node or load balancer.
- <port>: Port being used by cluster.
- <servicename>: Name of the service being used for cluster
The solution in this scenario would be to switch to JMS Messaging communication method from Multicast. JMS supports communication between nodes over different subnets and will allow proper cluster operation on cloud installations..
Steps to switch from Multicast IP to JMS Messaging:
- Stop all Manager Nodes and Worker Nodes in the cluster.
- From the cluster shared folder path, take a backup of the existing file which exists in the ‘conf’ folder.
- Open original in text editor and make the following changes:
3.2. Delete the value for property cluster.multicast.port, which is 5000 by default.
3.3. Add the following property in this file in a new line:
3.5. Save the file.
4. Restart all Manager nodes and Worker Nodes.
5. Browse the ‘nodes’ url and verify it shows all the nodes in the cluster.
Doc: cluster.jms.port KB: 000034778 TIBCO Spotfire Statistics Services Cluster on cloud environments must be configured with Messaging (JMS) as communication method
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