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Product: TIBCO Spotfire®
Product: TIBCO Spotfire®
How to obtain a list of all DXPs in an environment.
Run the following SQL against your TIBCO Spotfire application database to provide a list of all of the DXP files saved in a library.
Execute the following query on the TIBCO Spotfire Server application database:
You can also join with the USERS table to resolve the LIB_ITEMS.CREATED_BY id value to find the author's user name:
Note: To see a full list of item types which correspond to the LIB_ITEMS.ITEM_TYPE values, you can view the LIB_ITEM_TYPES table:
Disclaimer: The content of this article is for informational purposes only. The subject material may change in any new versions with no notice and there is no responsibility by TIBCO to maintain or support future access to this internal application content. Modification of any internal application content is not recommended and can lead to an unsupported configuration. It is not intended to be used "As Is" in a Production environment. Always test in a Development environment.
SELECT * FROM LIB_ITEMS WHERE ITEM_TYPE = '4f83cd47-71b5-11dd-050e-00100a64217d';
You can also join with the USERS table to resolve the LIB_ITEMS.CREATED_BY id value to find the author's user name:
SELECT li.*,u.USER_NAME as [CREATED_BY_NAME] FROM LIB_ITEMS li JOIN USERS u on li.CREATED_BY = USER_ID WHERE ITEM_TYPE = '4f83cd47-71b5-11dd-050e-00100a64217d';
Note: To see a full list of item types which correspond to the LIB_ITEMS.ITEM_TYPE values, you can view the LIB_ITEM_TYPES table:
Disclaimer: The content of this article is for informational purposes only. The subject material may change in any new versions with no notice and there is no responsibility by TIBCO to maintain or support future access to this internal application content. Modification of any internal application content is not recommended and can lead to an unsupported configuration. It is not intended to be used "As Is" in a Production environment. Always test in a Development environment.
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