Product: TIBCO Spotfire®
General information about the S+Workbench structure
Spotfire S+ Workbench is built on Eclipse IDE so there can be some confusion about the folder structure.
1. Workspace
By default, you are prompted for a workspace when you start the Workbench. This is a folder on your system, and can contain multiple projects.
For example: C:\Documents and Settings\username\workspace
2. Project
This is also a folder, and is located under the workspace folder. It contains a .project file as well as all of the scripts and data files that pertain to a specified project.
To create a new project, click on File/New/Project, click on Spotfire S+ Project, and click Next. Type in a project name (for example, work3), and you should be able to leave ‘Use default location’ checked, as it should reflect the path to your workspace. Click Finish, and you should see this new project in the ‘Navigator’ window.
For example: C:\Documents and Settings\username\workspace\work1
For example: C:\Documents and Settings\username\workspace\work2
For example: C:\Documents and Settings\username\workspace\work3
3. Sending script files to users
Eclipse, which is the third-party program on which the S+Workbench is built, wants to keep track of the underlying file structure, so you can’t just save a file to a project folder and access it in the S+Workbench. The best thing to do is to import it into your current project.
Let’s say you saved a script file to C:\Temp. You open the S+Workbench to the workspace described above, and want to import the .ssc file to the work1 project folder. Click on File/Import. Click on File System under ‘General’, and click Next. In the From directory:, browse to C:\Temp. Put a check mark next to the script file, confirm that Into folder: is set to work1, and click Finish. Now the .ssc file shows in the Navigator window under work1. You can double-click on it from the Navigator window and have it show up in the main window of the S+Workbench.
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