Product: TIBCO Spotfire®
Why do I get an error using importJDBC from the sjdbc package?
When using the importJDBC (or exportJDBC) function in the sjdbc package the following error message comes up:
"Message: Problem in .JavaMethod("SJDBCBridge", "sjdbcExportStart", : java.lang.NullPointerException"
The appropriate JDBC driver must be loaded before using the functions in this package. From the Help files for sjdbc:
"Provides an interface to a databases using JDBC drivers. You can get JDBC drivers from the software providers. Place the JAR or ZIP file containing the JDBC drivers in the drivers folder under the package installation directory. All files placed in this directory are added automatically to the Java CLASSPATH when the package is loaded. Alternatively, drivers can be loaded explicitly at runtime using loadJDBCDriver()."
For proprietary reasons we do include any JDBC drivers with the program, only the interface. You must download the JDBC driver that is compatible with your database. Once that driver has been installed and loaded you should be able to use these functions as expected.
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