Product: TIBCO Spotfire®
Ways to customize a splom() graph.
Customer may want to to customize a splom() graph.
1. How can I add a fitted line to my splom() chart?
Create a vector of fitted values, ensuring that they are not out of range in each of the panels. Here is an example using the object.
splom( ~,
panel = function(x, y){
panel.xyplot(x, y)
lm.loc <- lm(y ~ x)
x.seq <- seq(min(x), max(x), length=100)
pred <- predict(lm.loc, data.frame(x = x.seq))
ok <- rep(T, length(pred))
ok[pred < min(y)] <- F
ok[pred > max(y)] <- F
lines(x.seq[ok], pred[ok])
2. What if I want to make the splom() graph into a pairwise QQ plot?
You'll need to sort each of the columns you pass into the graph, and use segments() to draw the 45-degree reference lines. Here's an example using fuel.frame.
splom(~data.frame(Weight=sort(fuel.frame[,1]), Disp.=sort(fuel.frame[,2]),
Mileage=sort(fuel.frame[,3]), Fuel=sort(fuel.frame[,4])),
segments(min(x), min(y), max(x), max(y))
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