Product: TIBCO Spotfire®
How can I export a graphsheet to PowerPoint using command line functions?
Customer would like to export a graphsheet to a PowerPoint slide show, within the script, i.e. without using File / Create PowerPoint Presentation.
Unfortunately there is not a way to create a PowerPoint presentation using the command line in Spotfire S+. However, with Spotfire S+ automation support it may be possible to embed your graph sheet in a specific PowerPoint presentation. The vcembed example show how to create and embed a Spotfire S+ Graph Sheet in a MFC application. This is available in the samples\oleauto folder in the Spotfire S+ program folder.
More information on automation can be found in Chapter 6: Automation of the Spotfire S+ 8 Application Developer’s Guide. This is available within Spotfire S+ by selecting Help / Online Manuals / Application Developer’s Guide.
Another option is to use wmf.graph() or export.graph() to create WMF files that can later be converted or copy/pasted into a PowerPoint presentation.
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