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Product: TIBCO Spotfire®
Product: TIBCO Spotfire®
How to schedule an Automation Services job using the Microsoft Windows Task Scheduler.
This article provides instructions to schedule an Automation Services job using the Client Job Sender and Microsoft Windows Task Scheduler.
The Client Job Sender can be installed and run on any machine which can access the TIBCO Spotfire Server URL which meets the prerequisites documented in the "Installing the Client Job Sender" documentation reference. This allows you to trigger already defined Automation Services jobs.
- Create a job using Automation Services Job Builder in TIBCO Spotfire Analyst client.
- Save the job file. (For example: "ASjobfile.xml")
- Make sure that the "Spotfire.Dxp.Automation.ClientJobSender.exe" and "Spotfire.Dxp.Automation.ClientJobSender.exe.config" files are placed together in one folder on the computer where you want to schedule this Automation Services job using the Windows Task Scheduler. (These files are provided in the Automation Services product download zip file. See "Installing the Client Job Sender" documentation reference)
- Copy the job file ("ASjobfile.xml") file to the same machine as above and save the job file to a specific folder (For example: to a folder named C:\XMLJobs ).
- Open the Microsoft Windows Task Scheduler.
- Create a Task ("Actions" > "Create Task"):
- General: Provide a name, such as "ASTaskScheduler" for example. (Triggers: skip this step for now.)
- Triggers: Click "New" to define the desired triggers for the task (on schedule, startup, etc)
- Action:
- Click on "New" > Select "Start a program" > "Program/script"
- Browse to the folder where the "Spotfire.Dxp.Automation.ClientJobSender.exe" file is located.
- In the "Add arguments (Optional):" Section, add the relevant server URL and path to the job file:
- For versions 7.5 and higher, input with the syntax "[TIBCO Spotfire Server URL] [JobFileLocation]". For example:
"http://myTIBCOSpotfireServer:8080" "C:\XMLJobs\ASJobfile.xml"
- For versions 7.0 and lower, input with the syntax "[TIBCO Spotfire Automation Services URL] [JobFileLocation]". For example:
"http://myTIBCOSpotfireAutomationServicesHostname/SpotfireAutomation/JobExecutor.asmx" "C:\XMLJobs\ASJobfile.xml"
- For versions 7.5 and higher, input with the syntax "[TIBCO Spotfire Server URL] [JobFileLocation]". For example:
- Click OK.
- Click OK
- Test the job to ensure it is configured correctly by selecting it, then running it via "Selected Item" > "Run".
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