Product: TIBCO Spotfire®
How to change the "case sensitivity" and "trailing spaces" settings in TIBCO Data Virtualization(ADS/Composite/CIS)
How to change the "case sensitivity" and "trailing spaces" settings in TIBCO Data Virtualization(ADS/Composite/CIS)
1). Steps to change the case sensitivity/ignore trailing spaces configuration globally:
a). Navigate to Administration >> Configuration >> Server >> SQL Engine >> SQL Language and modify the configuration setting for Case Sensitivity and Ignore trailing spaces.
b). Once the configuration settings are modified, go to the data source and refresh the Resource capabilities to apply the changes.
2). Steps to change the case sensitivity/ignore trailing spaces configuration for a particular data source:
a). Change the "default values" for the following two configuration elements in the file xxx_config_defs.xml under the folder <CIS_HOME>/apps/dlm/cis_ds_xxx/conf:
For Oracle 11g, for example (assuming the cache data source is Oracle 11g), the file that you would check for these two settings is
<CIS_INSTALL_HOME>\apps\dlm\cis_ds_oracle\conf oracle_11g_thin_driver_config_defs.xml
Create a backup file before changing any settings.
Change the "<common:defaultValue>" for the two configuration elements listed above.
Example XML : Change the "<common:defaultValue>" as per your requirement.
<common:annotation>This value indicates whether a data source compares strings in case insensitive mode.</common:annotation>
<common:displayName>Comparison is Case insensitive Mode</common:displayName>
<common:annotation>This value indicates whether a data source compares strings with trailing space.</common:annotation>
<common:displayName>Comparison With Trailing Space</common:displayName>
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