Product: TIBCO Spotfire®
Execution of Automation Services jobs via a web service call from Spotfire 7.5.x and later is not supported, i.e., http://[Hostname]/SpotfireAutomation/JobExecutor.asmx .WSDL .
TIBCO Spotfire has never officially supported this Web Service call executions for Automation Services.
TIBCO has not officially supported calling the web services directly in any version, although in versions 7.0 and earlier some solutions did call the web services directly. In 7.5 and later versions, the calls are made directly to the Spotfire Server and so this is no longer possible. The rest of the URL is not released since that is not a part of the official API. Another reason why this API has not been made public is that now in 7.5 and later all calls must be authenticated using the current TSS authentication method, and because all server calls are XSRF protected.
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