Product: TIBCO Spotfire®
Description of Predicted Columns
When using the main menu's "Insert > Predicted Columns.." feature, multiple columns can be added. This article provides a short description of each one.
Regression Modeling
Linear Regression
Column: Predicted
Returns the predicted value for the Response variable, based on the Predictor column(s).
Regression Tree
Column: Predicted
Returns the predicted values for the Response variable based on the regression tree built in the Analytics Model.
Classification Modeling
Logistic Regression
Columns: ProbPrediction, Class Prediction
The ProbPrediction column returns the probability of the value returned in ClassPrediction. This is a binary operation, so the response will be “Response Level” or “Not Response Level”.
Classification Tree
Columns: ProbPrediction. [All unique values in Response Variable], Class Prediction
Returns a ProbPrediction.{level} column for each value in the Response column. These columns contain the predicted score for each value in the Response column. The column with the highest score is returned in the ClassPrediction column.
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