Product: TIBCO Spotfire®
Metrics of "Most Frequently Accessed Information Links" in Demo User Action Log dxp file is misleading.
The included user_actions.dxp which provides an analysis of the User Action Logs (which is part of the included with the included in the the TIBCO Spotfire Server installation download. See references for more details) has an "Information Links" tab where it displays the "Most Frequently Accessed Information Links". The entries shown in this visualization include all LOG_ACTION types, such as "load_il", "get_data", "create_il", etc.
Each single Information link execution will result in a single "load_il" entry, but depending on the size of the data returned, a single IL execution ("load_il") will correspond to one OR MORE "get_data" entries which will have one row per block of data returned (~5MB by default). If the data returned by the Information link is very large then there may be many rows and this information is not needed for this "Most Frequently Accessed Information Links" report if you are looking to get a count of how many times an Information Link was accessed.
If you want to only show the number of times an Information Link is executed, then you should filter the "Most Frequently Accessed Information Links" visualization on the "Information Links" tab in the user_actions.dxp to only show LOG_ACTION="load_il" values, and NOT include LOG_ACTION="get_data" values and other values.
For example:
Doc: Importing a library to Spotfire Analyst for analyzing action logs
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