Product: TIBCO Spotfire®
Incorrect email/message notifications when run a job finishes in TSDS 6.3.2
Incorrect email/message notifications when run a job runs in TSDS 6.3.2
After a job finishes execution, the user gets 2 emails/messages: the first one says failed, and second one says succeeded.
On the UI, when job finishes, sometimes the user can see the status says 'job run failed' then if he refreshes the page, it changes to 'run successfully'. Sometimes, when job finishes, it just shows 'run successfully'.
Incorrect email/message notifications when run a job runs in TSDS 6.3.2
This is s known issue in 6.3.2, and will be fixed in a later version of TSDS.
As a workaround, lines 40-43 should be commented out in the $CHORUS_HOME/releases/ file. After which TSDS should be restarted.
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