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Product: TIBCO Spotfire®
Product: TIBCO Spotfire®
Reset chorusadmin password
Reset chorusadmin password
Reset chorusadmin password
Follow these steps to reset chorusadmin user's password
This applies to Spotfire Data Science versions earlier than 6.3.2.Navigate to the Spotfire Data Science installation directory (by default "/usr/local/chorus"), and run this script ./ It will open a new shell. In that new console run the following command to reset the chorusadmin user's password to "secret":
User.find(1).update_attribute(:password, "secret")
If you want to reset the password for any other user account the same way (instead of logging in as chorusadmin and resetting the password from the UI), from the same Spotfire Data Science installation directory run this script to start a PostgreSQL shell: ./ Then run the following SQL query to get the user id (for the user whose password needs to be reset):
select id,username from users;
After having the user ID, use that ID in the previous command instead of 1 (which is by default the ID of chorusadmin user).
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