Product: TIBCO Spotfire®
Parsing error: Encountered "[*]SET[*] DateStyle ="
After publishing your Marts, you open TIBCO Spotfire Analyst and the Attivio data connector to import the data into Spotfire for further analysis. When filling in the details, and pressing connect, you see a yellow warning triangle with the following error:
Could not connect due to an unknown error.
Pressing the yellow warning triangle will copy the full error message to the clipboard, and when pasting the error you see the following:
Could not connect due to an unknown error.
External error:
ERROR [50000] ERROR: TEIID31100 Parsing error: Encountered "[*]SET[*] DateStyle =" at line 1, column 1.
Was expecting: "alter" | "begin" | "call" | "create" | "delete" | "drop" | "exec" | "execute" | "insert" | "merge" ...
ERROR [50000] ERROR: TEIID31100 Parsing error: Encountered "[*]SET[*] DateStyle =" at line 1, column 1.
Was expecting: "alter" | "begin" | "call" | "create" | "delete" | "drop" | "exec" | "execute" | "insert" | "merge" ...
The error is seen when using a wrong driver version. For example, this has been seen using driver version when connecting to TIBCO Spotfire Data Catalog To successfully connect to TIBCO Spotfire Data Catalog, you need to use the driver available in the installation of TIBCO Spotfire Data Catalog.
To download the driver, follow the steps below:
1). Go to http://serveraddress:17000/
2). Press the Catalog button under Semantic Data Catalog
3). Log in with your credentials.
4). Press View All Marts under Identify & Unify
5). Press the blue link that is the name of any of your available marts.
6). In the top menu, press Provision Mart and Get Drivers
7). Download the 64Bit ODBC Driver
8). Install it on all machines that are to use the data connector towards this source.
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