Product: TIBCO Spotfire®
Too many rows are loaded when accessing an MS Access database.
Product: TIBCO Spotfire (desktop client / Analyst / Professional)
Version: All supported versions
OS: All Supported Operating Systems
Spotfire Analyst client accessing an MS Access database
Loading two related tables from an MS Access database into Spotfire results in too many rows are loaded.
Using "File > Open..." from the main menu, select an MS Access database file. In the "Specify Tables and Columns" window, select two tables. When adding tables that are related within MS Access, the relationship is not automatically used within Spotfire. The resulting SQL query will multiply the number of rows with each other.
Example: Table1 has 500 rows and Table2 has 100. With the SQL query shown below, the result would be 50,000 rows when you are expecting to have the 100 rows integrate into the 500 rows and import only 500 rows with the two tables merged.
SELECT Table1.*, Table2.*
FROM Table1, Table2
Incorrect SQL query
Add a WHERE clause to the SQL query to get the required results.
SELECT Table1.*, Table2.*
FROM Table1, Table2
WHERE Table1.ID = Table2.ID
MS Access, related tables, too many rows, SQL query, WHERE clause
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