Product: TIBCO Spotfire®
Web Player preparation for publishing a Spotfire analysis that uses an in-database (in-DB) adapter.
Product: TIBCO Spotfire Web Player (incl. Consumer and Business Author)
Version: 7.0.x and earlier
OS: All Supported Operating Systems
Preparation for using in-database (in-DB) adapters with Spotfire Web Player.
When an analysis that uses data from an in-DB connector is opened in an unprepared Spotfire Web Player, an error message on a visualization that uses the connector may indicate that the necessary adapter is not present. Example: "The 'RedshiftAdapter' data connector is not available" due to "The connector has not been deployed."
Need to add the drivers and set up the Web Player for the in-DB adapter(s) of interest.
Use the Spotfire Server Administration Console to deploy the SDN file for the connectors (such as "Spotfire.Connectors.sdn").
On the Web Player server, run the Web Player's webupdate.bat script as an Administrator to push the new deployment to the Web Player. See the instructions in the "Deploying Extensions and Upgrades" chapter of the TIBCO Spotfire Web Player Installation and Configuration Manual.
Install the required drivers for all the connectors of interest, as described in the system requirements at .
On the Web Player server, open the /TIBCO/Spotfire Web Player/x.x.x/webroot/Web.config file in a text editor, where x.x.x is the version number.
Under the section:
<setting name="WebAuthenticationMode" serializeAs="Xml">
Add the following adapter:
<adapter name="Spotfire.CompositeAdapter" mode="Prompt" />
<adapter name="Spotfire.ClouderaHiveAdapter" mode="Prompt" />
<adapter name="Spotfire.ImpalaAdapter" mode="Prompt" />
<adapter name="Spotfire.HortonworksAdapter" mode="Prompt" />
<adapter name="Spotfire.VerticaAdapter" mode="Prompt" />
<adapter name="Spotfire.DB2Adapter" mode="Prompt" />
<adapter name="Spotfire.NetezzaAdapter" mode="Prompt" />
<adapter name="Spotfire.SqlServerAdapter" mode="Prompt" />
<adapter name="Spotfire.SsasAdapter" mode="Prompt" />
<adapter name="Spotfire.ODataAdapter" mode="Prompt" />
<adapter name="Spotfire.OracleAdapter" mode="Prompt" />
<adapter name="Spotfire.EssbaseAdapter" mode="Prompt" />
<adapter name="Spotfire.MySqlAdapter" mode="Prompt" />
<adapter name="Spotfire.GreenplumAdapter" mode="Prompt" />
<adapter name="Spotfire.PivotalHdAdapter" mode="Prompt" />
<adapter name="Spotfire.PostgreSqlAdapter" mode="Prompt" />
<adapter name="Spotfire.RedshiftAdapter" mode="Prompt" />
<adapter name="Spotfire.SapBwAdapter" mode="Prompt" />
<adapter name="Spotfire.HanaAdapter" mode="Prompt" />
<adapter name="Spotfire.TeradataAdapter" mode="Prompt" />
<adapter name="Spotfire.TeradataAsterAdapter" mode="Prompt" />
Go through the inserted code and make sure each connector is set up with the authentication mode that should be used when logging in to the data source. You can select one of the following authentication modes: mode="Prompt", mode="WebConfig", mode="Kerberos", or mode="ServiceAccount". See the TIBCO Spotfire Web Player Installation and Configuration Manual to learn more about the available authentication types.
Save the file.
In IIS, restart the Spotfire Web Player application pool.
Web Player, in-database, in-DB, adapter, drivers, Spotfire.Connectors.sdn, web.config, WebAuthenticationMode, adapter name, authentication mode, Prompt, WebConfig, Kerberos, ServiceAccount, save, restart, IIS, application pool, webupdate.bat, administrator, adapters, CompositeAdapter, ClouderaHiveAdapter, ImpalaAdapter, HortonworksAdapter, VerticaAdapter, DB2Adapter, NetezzaAdapter, SqlServerAdapter, SsasAdapter, ODataAdapter, OracleAdapter, EssbaseAdapter, MySqlAdapter, GreenplumAdapter, PivotalHdAdapter, PostgreSqlAdapter, RedshiftAdapter, SapBwAdapter, HanaAdapter, TeradataAdapter, TeradataAsterAdapter, Composite, Cloudera Hive, Hive, Impala, Hortonworks, Vertica, DB2, Netezza, SQL Server, SSAS, OData, Oracle, Essbase, MySQL, Greenplum, Pivotal, PivotalHd, PostgreSql, Redshift, SAP BW, SAP Hana, Hana, Teradata, Teradata Aster, Aster, connector, WebPlayer
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