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Product: TIBCO Spotfire®
Product: TIBCO Spotfire®
S+ manual not shown up in S+ workbench, when a user clicks Help, then clicks Spotfire S+ Manuals and selects a manual.
Editor type needs to be changed manually that S+ can read it as .pdf file:
- Verify associated editors for pdf documents: Please go to “Window” -> “Preferences” -> “Editors” -> “File Associations”. Then, under the list of file types, select “*.pdf”. Now, you will be able to see the associated editors list at the bottom of the preferences.
- Add Adobe Acrobat if it is not in the available edits list: To do this, click “Add…”, then select ”External programs”, select “Adobe Acrobat Forms Document” and click “OK”.
- Please make sure the default editor is Adobe Acrobat: Now, click “Default” to make it as default editors.
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