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Product: Chem3D
Product: Chem3D
How can I limit the amount of memory used up by Chem3D?
Take the following steps to reduce memory usage:
- Reduce the number of open model or table windows.
- Reduce the size of model windows.
- Avoid displaying Space Filling models while building.
- Do not record movie frames while doing minimizations or rotations.
- If your model has more than one movie frame, use Edit/Clear Frames/Clear All Other Frames to eliminate unneeded frames.
- If you have performed calculations, use Edit/Clear Calculations to eliminate unneeded calculations.
- If you have created surfaces, use Edit/Clear Molecular Surfaces to eliminate unneeded surfaces.
- In Movie Settings, reduce Smoothness (move the slider to the right) to decrease the number of frames saved while rotating.
- Close Messages and Measurements windows when you no longer need them.
- Close the Table Editor instead of leaving it in the background or minimized on the desktop.
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