Product: Chem3D
When I try to save molecules with double bonds to nitrogen, such as pyridine, in Chem3D as a MacroModel (.MCM) file the following error message appears: 'Sorry, no atom type in the table "Macromodel.TBL" corresponds to atom "N(2)"'. The file is not saved.
You will need to open the MacroModel file format filter and make a change to the file. On the PC, the file you need to open is in your ChemOffice -> \Chem3D\C3dfiltr\MacroModel.TBL on the Mac the file is: ChemOffice -> Chem3D:Chem3D File Format Data: MacroModel (Note that the name of your ChemOffice folder and location may vary depending on the version of ChemOffice you have and where you installed it.) Double click on the MacroModel file to open it in the Table Editor. For the N Sp2 atom type, change the double bond from 0.000 to 1.000 and the Bound to Order from Single to Double and then Save the changes.
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