Product: ChemDraw
How do I set ChemDraw to open with specific draw, text and page settings?
You need to create a style sheet (stationery for Mac users). Launch ChemDraw, make changes to the drawing, text, and or page settings as desired. Choose Save As from the File menu, set the 'Save As Type' field to CD Style Sheet *.cds (or set the Format field to ChemDraw Stationery for Mac users). Give the file a name and save it to your ChemDraw Items folder (CD_Items for old vesions of ChemDraw Windows and ChemDraw Folder for old Mac versions). Newer versions of chemDraw have a "Go to ChemDraw Items" button, which will help in saving to that folder faster.
Now that you have created your new style sheet, close all open documents in ChemDraw, go to the ChemDraw File menu and choose the New option which should have the name of the new style sheet next to it, i.e. New YourStyleSheetName, which will confirm that it is now the defaut settings document.
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