If your Notebooks and Experiments are missing, gone or seem to be lost after logging in, it is most likely that you have been redirected to our new Signals Notebook individual edition URL https://chemdraweln.signalsresearch.revvitycloud.com when reactivating your subscription. As you are already a previous user of Signals Notebook, continue using the old Signals Notebook Individual edition URL - https://signalsresearch.revvitycloud.com. Your login credentials will be the same as you used earlier.
Additionally, users who login to different URLs will not be able to share notebooks or experiments or be part of each other's groups.
Please note that Signals Notebook Individual Edition product is now in the Sunset phase of the Product Life Cycle, and Signals Notebook Individual Edition will reach End of Life ("EOL") on March 1, 2025. For more information, please see Sunset Notice: Signal Notebook Individual Edition.
There is a migration pathway available to transfer data between Signals Notebook Individual Edition to Signals Notebook Standard, making the transition easy and seamless.
If you wish to stop using Signals Notebook Individual Edition product after EOL, you can back up your data as described here: Is there a way I can back up my data in Signals Notebook.
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