What is the best way to retrieve a chemical structure from a sample using the API?
There are 3 key/links that are part of the Sample Entity's json that can be used: e.g. "mol", "cdxml" or "svg" see below for example json. So the flow would be to use the Sample entity id passed into the external action to retrieve the entire Sample entity, then use one of the below to retrieve the information on the structure, depending on if you want the mol information, the full cdxml document, or an svg image of the chemical.
"mol": {
"links": {
"self": "https://frank01.signalsresearch.revvitycloud.com/api/rest/v1.0/entities/sample:3e8d657a-ae03-41ca-93f5-d46929940c22/export?format=mol"
"cdxml": {
"links": {
"self": "https://frank01.signalsresearch.revvitycloud.com/api/rest/v1.0/entities/sample:3e8d657a-ae03-41ca-93f5-d46929940c22/export?format=cdxml"
"svg": {
"links": {
"self": "https://frank01.signalsresearch.revvitycloud.com/api/rest/v1.0/entities/sample:3e8d657a-ae03-41ca-93f5-d46929940c22/export?format=svg"
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