Product: TIBCO Spotfire®
Error while running Scheduled Update jobs as a specific user when Kerberos authentication is setup.
A Scheduled Updates job fails with an error message "X failed attempts so far, The Scheduled Updates user is not configured correctly." seen in the "Scheduling & Routing" > "Activity" tab. Refer below example screenshot:
Along with this, you may also come across below error in Web Player logs while loading report in scheduled update:
Spotfire.Dxp.Framework.Login.WindowsIntegratedAuthenticator;"Logging in Windows account 'Domainname\test_service _account' to local machine using logon method 'LOGON32_LOGON_INTERACTIVE'."
Spotfire.Dxp.Web.SiteManager;"Failed to initialize the Scheduled Updates"
System.ComponentModel.Win32Exception (0x80004005): This user isn't allowed to sign in to this computer
If you are running scheduled updates as a specific Windows account (using option useKerberos="true") when delegated Kerberos is enabled in the environment and if you are getting above error in Web Player logs while loading report in scheduled update then you need to check below:
The configured Scheduled update user must be allowed to logon interactively and so we need to explicitly give the user logon rights by doing the following:
- Open Active Directory Users & Computers(For Example on Domain Controller machine).
- Search for the service account 'test_service _account' & within the properties window -> Account tab -> logon
- Add Node Managers and Spotfire Server host names in Computer name list under Logon Workstations Window.
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