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Product: TIBCO Spotfire®
Product: TIBCO Spotfire®
How to automatically start the TIBCO Spotfire Server on server reboot in Linux
This article will provide information on how to configure the TIBCO Spotfire Server to start at boot, so when a server gets rebooted, Spotfire will start automatically. By default TIBCO Spotfire Server is not set to start on boot on the supported Linux machines. Below are the steps to have a program or script start on boot on a Linux machine, if you use the RPM install package.
- Become root user on your Linux server
- Create or copy your script under /etc/init.d/
- You can set it to boot by running either one of these commands (on Redhat). Recommended for Redhat 7 or newer:
systemctl enable tss-versionnumberFor example:
systemctl enable tss-10.3.0Or alternatively:
chkconfig --add tss-versionnumber chkconfig tss-versionnumber on
4. Confirm script is added successfully with --list
chkconfig --list tss-versionnumber5. This script will be called to start services on Linux boot.
Note: In case you need to disable auto-start, then you can use the following commands:
systemctl disable tss-versionnumberor:
chkconfig tss-versionnumber offDoc: Installing the Spotfire Server files (RPM Linux) External: How to auto start services in Linux on boot
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