Product: TIBCO Spotfire®
Negative Binomial Generalized Linear Model (Regression)
How to calculate a Negative Binomial generalized linear model including a theta parameter.
The MASS library (written by Dr. Venables and Professor Ripley) contains the function 'glm.nb', which is a modification of the system function glm() to include estimation of the additional parameter, theta, for a Negative Binomial generalized linear model. To load the MASS library in your S-PLUS session, type:
> library(MASS)
[1] "This library is not supported by Insightful, Corp."
Once you have the library loaded, you can view the help file for glm.nb by typing the following at the command line:
> ?glm.nb
Here is an example that uses this function:
> glm.nb(Days ~ Sex/(Age + Eth*Lrn), data = quine)
glm.nb(formula = Days ~ Sex/(Age + Eth * Lrn), data = quine, init.theta = 1.59799070541236, link
= log)
(Intercept) Sex SexFAge1 SexMAge1 SexFAge2 SexMAge2 SexFAge3
2.73812532 0.03985518112 -0.3544368764 -0.361867744 -0.086809163 0.3300958791 0.02472477617
SexMAge3 SexFEth SexMEth SexFLrn SexMLrn SexFEthLrn SexMEthLrn
0.2956537178 -0.376184919 -0.149139421 0.132165446 0.3098088934 -0.3396226701 0.1903539916
Degrees of Freedom: 146 Total; 132 Residual
Residual Deviance: 167.5558222
Unfortunately, the MASS library functions are not supported by S+ Technical Support, but you can view the website to the MASS (Modern Applied Statistics with S) book and software at:
"Modern Applied Statistics with S" contains a discussion on the Negative Binomial Family on pages 206-208.
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