Please try the following steps:
Launch ChemDraw as an Administrator on your Windows 10 machine.
Find the Windows Start button, then Browse to ChemDraw present under ChemOffice 20XX. Select ChemDraw, then right-click, then select More | "Run as Administrator".
You will get the "Browse for Folder" dialog box to locate the "ChemDraw Items" folder. Browse to the following folder location for your version:
For v18.x
Select the ChemDraw Items folder: C:\ProgramData\PerkinElmerInformatics\ChemOffice2018\ChemDraw\ChemDraw Items, and click the OK button in the "Browse for Folder" dialog box.
For v19.x
Select the ChemDraw Items folder: C:\ProgramData\PerkinElmerInformatics\ChemOffice2019\ChemDraw\ChemDraw Items, and click the OK button in the "Browse for Folder" dialog box.
For v20.x
Select the ChemDraw Items folder: C:\ProgramData\PerkinElmerInformatics\ChemOffice2020\ChemDraw\ChemDraw Items, and click the OK button in the "Browse for Folder" dialog box.
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