Search functionality clarifications:
Is there a way to push a bookmarked search to all or a subset of users or are bookmarked searches completely individual to each user?
Which fields do the "Enter text to search" tool on the Search dashboard work across?
Which fields does the "Quick Find" tool at the top of the notebook work across?
Which fields do the "Filter" tool at the top of the index for a notebook work across? This tool doesn't seem to be finding text that is contained in the cells of a Table section.
Is there any way to customize which fields these various text search tools work across?
>>* Is there a way to push a bookmarked search to all or a subset of users or are bookmarked searches completely individual to each user?
For the moment, bookmarked searches are individual to each user.
>>* Which fields do the "Enter text to search" tool on the Search dashboard work across?
>>* Which fields does the "Quick Find" tool at the top of the notebook work across?
Mentioned tools search all text in the Signals Notebook source (ie not materials, archive).
You can find more about Quick Find in User Guide -> Searching in Signals Notebook -> Quick Find
>>*Which fields do the "Filter" tool at the top of the index for a notebook work across? This tool doesn't seem to be finding text that is contained in the cells of a Table section.
"Filter" filters based off not content but certain text fields from notebook item's properties like (Experiment) Name, Description, etc.
You can find more about Filter in User Guide -> Creating a Notebook -> Filtering the Notebooks Smart Folder
>>* Is there any way to customize which fields these various text search tools work across?
Please refer to the Filter section I've already mentioned and User Guide -> Searching in Signals Notebook -> Advanced Search.
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