Keywords: Signals Notebook Inventory, barcode
Signals Notebook Inventory does not require a specific barcode scanner. However, users can choose to use a barcode scanner to scan barcode information into the Signals Notebook applications.
Users will need to log into Signals Notebook from the device that is connected to the barcode scanner. Users then need to choose the field where they would like the barcode to be filled into. Users then can scan the barcode and the text/numerical values will fill into the field in Signals Notebook.
In the case of Signals Inventory, the barcode will be checked to see if it a valid barcode for the Signals Inventory. The user may receive a message saying that the barcode is not found or is invalid if they choose to scan a barcode that is not associated with a Signals Inventory Location or Container. Users may also see this message if they scan a Location barcode into a field that is expecting only Container barcodes. The opposite is true as well, scanning Container barcodes into a Location field will give users an error.
Some barcode scanner applications have a feature that allows you to scan directly from the phone's keyboard interface, this way you don't need to switch to the barcode scanner app and scan directly from signals notebook textbox instead.
Using this feature could go against a company's security policies and should be checked with the IT department to see if this is allowed or not.
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