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Displaying Image from Image Column in Tooltip of Lead Discovery ChemCharts SAR Map Visualization



  • Franch, Monica

    Tooltips only allows to add an image from a URL or depictions of molecules in the configured column in the SAR Map.

    To add these images: Properties > Tooltips and check Use form-based tooltips box > Edit local form-based tooltips. Then in Control section select Add > Image.

  • candy candy

    In tooltips, display structures from the loaded data: The majority of visualizations support displaying images from a binary image column, a shape file, or a chemical.

    tunnel rush

  • Lamb Elizabeth

    I have the same solution with Monica:

    To include these photos: Use form-based tooltips is enabled under Properties > Tooltips. Edit tooltips for local forms. then choose Add > Image under Control.


    the backrooms

  • Robert Davis

    To display the images from the binary image column in the tooltips of the SAR Map Visualization, you will need to:

    1. Base64 encode the binary data from the image column. This will convert the binary data into ASCII text that can be used in tooltips.

    2. Create a calculated column that concatenates "data:image/format;base64," with the Base64 encoded string from the first step. For example, if the images are PNG, the concatenation would be:
    "data:image/png;base64," + Base64_Encoded_String

    3. Use this calculated column in the SAR Map Visualization as the Tooltip Content.

    4. In the tooltip, set the HTML rendering to true.

    5. Add an <img> tag in the tooltip that sources the data URI created in step 2. For example: 
    <img src="{{Lead Discovery ChemCharts SAR Map Visualization.Tooltip Content}}">

    This should display the images from your binary column in the SAR Map Visualization tooltips.


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