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Default significant figures for mass/volume in reactant tables




  • Official comment
    Gleb, Sergei

    Hi Eike,

    We apologize for the confusion. Default Significant Figures setting does not apply to Density. We will add a note about it to our System Configuration Guide.

    So if you manually enter e.g. only 1 significant figure for Density, application will not automatically add the missing significant figures. The displayed value for manually entered Density will stay with just 1 significant figure. Accordingly, any calculation result where Density is used (e.g. when Volume is calculated from manual Mass and manual Density), will stay limited to only 1 significant figure. If you want to see 3 significant figures for calculated Volume, both Mass and Density should each have minimum 3 significant figures, and for Density all those significant figures need to be entered manually.

  • Eike Evers

    Hi Sergei,

    Thank you for your feedback. I do not mind that the system does not add significant figures for manually added values. Oftentimes density is being taken from a database or manually entered and is not considered meaningful for the determination of the significant figures for volume, mass or equivalents. Therefore I would suggest, that the behaviour should be changed in a future update and only consider the signficant figures of volume, mass or equivalents for calculation of the other missing values.

    I do think the main issue is the behaviour in changing of units in the case above. As you have seen, we switch to 0.02 kL. At 0.2 kL it would seem more reasonable, to switch units. But it really is a matter of perspective. Someone that regularly works in the lab would probably be more familiar with 0.02g than 20 mg, because of the display of an ordinary balance. So it may be difficult to find a compromise. But I would claim, that kL is not a unit that should be available at all.

  • Gleb, Sergei

    Hi Eike,

    You may enter your requests on our Ideas Portal here: The more customers that vote for it, the more likely we will implement it. You will also be able to track the progress of the request. Our Product Management team reviews these requests regularly and updates the status.


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