Problem with Chem3D 16.0 Save copy as .pdb
Dear Members,
I built a ssDNA polymer in ChemDraw 16.0 and using Chem3D 16.0, I ran MM2 for energy minimization. Upon saving copy as .pdb, COMPND, ATOM, HETATM, and CONECT records are used by Chem3D; all other records in a Protein Data Bank file are ignored. Kindly suggest any method to convert the native .c3xml file to .pdb file without losing any record type.
Thanks in advance
Official comment
Version 16 is no longer supported. Do you have access to a more recent version of ChemDraw so you can confirm if the same issue occurs on version 20.1 for example?
If the issue continues, please submit a ticket using our support site.
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