Windows Registry sets a limit of 50MB for Spotfire File and Inventa Analysis files. If a user creates a file that exceeds this size and saves it to Signals, they won’t be able to reopen that file. They are given the error:
“Size Limit Exceeded 'Filename' has been saved to Signals, but it exceeds the allowed size limit. You will not be able to open the file in Spotfire Analyst until you modify your Windows Settings. All users needing to open this file must update their local Windows Settings.“
By default, the FileSizeLimitInBytes parameter is set to 5000000. This limits the Spotfire file size of your download from Signals. The resolution is to set this parameter to the maximum size.
1). Open Windows Registry using the regedit command. Click Start, click Run, type regedit, and then click OK.
2). Browse to HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Services\WebClient\Parameters
3). Right click on the FileSizeLimitInBytes and click Modify.
4). Click on Decimal, and type 4294967295 and click OK.
5). Quit Registry Editor. Restart the computer.
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